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The Wage Level in Switzerland: Figures That Speak for themselves

Wage level in Switzerland

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Switzerland is a country that is known for many things — including wages that leave many people breathless. But what exactly do these numbers look like and what do they mean for you? Let's get to work digging into the data that could impact your wallet.

A kaleidoscope of merit

Regardless of whether you work in the manufacturing sector or earn your money in the service sector, Switzerland offers a wide range of wages. The median, i.e. the figure in the middle of all figures, is 6,665 francs across Switzerland — that is the point at which half of employees in Switzerland earn more and the other less.

Who earns what?

Are you working in the energy sector? Then you might be one of those playing with a median salary of CHF 8,335. Or what does it look like when you work in education and teaching? The median here is CHF 8,494, which shows that education is definitely appreciated.

The situation is different in health and social services: Here, the median is CHF 6,466, and in the art sector, creative people have to make do with a median of CHF 6,404. Not to mention those in the hospitality industry, where the median is CHF 4,482 — that's probably where the tip is even more important!

Perhaps you work in the construction industry and are wondering where you stand in comparison? With a median salary of CHF 6,299, you're pretty much in the middle of the Swiss salary spectrum. Or do you work in retail? At CHF 5,692, the median wage there is once again slightly lower.

Numarics: Your financial co-pilot

With so many numbers, it's important to keep track of things. That's where Numarics comes in. We'll help you keep your finances under control, no matter what industry you're working in.

Planning is everything

As you can see, the wage structure in Switzerland is complex. With Numarics, you can plan your finances so that you get the most out of your paycheck. We'll show you how to save, invest, and manage your spending — so you have more left over for you at the end of the month.

Between pay and expenditure

A high income is nice, but there are also extremely high living costs in Switzerland. That's why it means you have to be smart with your money. And that's exactly what we're here for you — with tools and tips to help you do smart housekeeping.

Your financial prospects

With the right information and solid planning, you can get off to a financial start in Switzerland. Let's work together to ensure that your reward gives you the freedom you want. With Numarics, you have the right partner at your side.

What are you waiting for? Go ahead and make the most of your money!

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Source: BFS — Swiss Wage Structure Survey, 2020.

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