e-bankingNumarics APP balance

bank Integration

Track incoming and outgoing payments

We don't do things by halves. Because the best, most advanced business management tool is useless without banking integration. We create a world where all your financial flows converge seamlessly in a single application.

The financial hub

Everything on track

Your Bank Accounts Simply Connected

Easy connection via bLink or EBICS opens the door to straightforward financial management. You'll stay on top of things, save time and concentrate on what matters.

Finances under control

Manage transactions and reconcile bookings

It's like having a personal financial assistant to help you monitor and manage your financial flows.

Always informed

Account balance and cash flow on demand

Keep track of your finances at all times. Quick access to account balance and cash flow gives you the control you need.

Twice as safe

With two-factor authentication

It's like having a personal guardian for your finances who guards the door to your valuable information. Have peace of mind and the peace of mind that your finances are protected.

Always informed

Linking UBS documents

Link all bank documents to Numarics and access them via the app — exclusively for UBS clients!


Are you ready for the new business class in the world of administration?